INCOBS supporters

Organisations of blind and visually impaired people, occupational training organisations, technology research centres and assistive technology providers support INCOBS in different ways.

  • Many of the organisations listed below are members in the INCOBS supervisory board which meets anually. The board provides feedback about our work and help us align and prioritise our tasks.
  • A smaller test supervisory board meets at the occasion of particular testing programmes. Here, we invite a subset of supervisory board members and or other relevant experts to present planned test programes and discuss aspects of tasks (such as workplace relevance) and testing methodology.
  • Supporters read, correct and draft content earmarked for publication on or contribute guest articles. Many supporters have helped us update the product group texts.
  • Some supporters are also involved in the planning and development of the web-based 'customisation finder' - for example, the LWL Integrationsamt Westfalen, Papenmeier, and the two Berufsfortbildungswerke.

BAG Selbsthilfe

Logo BAG Selbsthilfe

BAG Selbsthilfe is the umbrella organisation of 115 organisations of disabled and chronically ill people and their relatives. In BAG Selbsthilfe, more than 1.000.000 people with physical or mental disabilities or chronic diseases are organised – on the local level often in self-help groups.

Berufsförderungswerk Düren

Logo BFW Dueren

Berufsförderungswerk Düren is one of three consulting and training centres for occupational rehabilitation of  blind and vision-impaired adults in Germany. Services span from consulting to safeguard the current occupation, re-training for a different occupation, and hands-on support for people searching a new job or picking suitable assistive technology.

Berufsförderungswerk Halle

Logo Bfw Halle

Berufsförderungswerk Halle is a social services organisation and a competence centre around vision. It offers training to support job changes and job realignments of blind and low vision adults. Beyond that, it consults on ergonomic aspects of workplaces. BFW's aim is to make sure that its clients find both fitting and lasting employment.

Berufsförderungswerk Würzburg

Logo Bfw Wuerzburg

Berufsförderungswerk (BFW) Würzburg is a supra-regional competence centre for the professional qualification of adult blind and low vision people. BFW Würzburg offers individual qualification, preventive measures, and assessments of occupational rehabilitation. We provide professional support for the integration of blind and visually impaired people.

Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Hamburg (BSVH)


Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband Hamburg e.V. (founded in 1909) is the self-help organisation of blind and low vision people in Hamburg. It currently has 1.500 members. BSVH helps blind and visually impaired people to live with their disability and lead an independent life.

Federal Employment Agency, regional office Niedersachsen-Bremen

Logo Federal Employment Agency

The Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit) is represented by its regional office in Niedersachsen-Bremen. One of the aims of the Agency is to help the occupational integration of blind and low vision employees.

Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

Logo Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales) funds the INCOBS Mainstream Technologies project with resouces from the a Federal fund to which employers have to contribute when they miss Federal targets for employing people with disabilities (the so-called Ausgleichsabgabe). BMAS contributes in many ways to the occupational integration of people with disabilities. For an overview, see the portal

DBSV - Joint working group for the interests of visually impaired people


The joint working group for the interests of visually impaired people (Fachausschuss für die Belange Sehbehinderter, FBS) operates within the remit of the German umbrella organisation of blind and visually impaired people (Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband, DBSV). FBS serves as a hub for discussion and dissemination of relevant information. It represents the interests and specific needs of low vision people.

DBSV working group information technology (FIT)


The DBSV working group information technology (Fachausschuss für Informationstechnik) discusses accessibility issues related to software, workflows and devices. Topics are the accessibility of information media of e-book readers and formats, the accessibility of mobile devices (tablets, smartphones) and the accessibility of professionally relevant software and workflows.

Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde (DZB)

Logo DZB

Die German central library for blind people (Deutsche Zentralbücherei für Blinde, DZB) offers a wide range of literature and information resources to blind and low vision people.  DZB converts books into Braille texts and audio books based on the DAISY format. Both are made available for free-of -charge lending or purchase.



The Deutsche Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. (DVBS) is a self-help organisation. It represents the interests of blind and low vision people especially regarding equal opportunities in education, with the aim to safeguard and improve their professional and social inclusion.

LWL-Integrationsamt Westfalen

Logo LWL

LWL Integrationsamt Westfalen (Integration Office Westphalia) of Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe supports the integration of people with disabilites in the job market. It offers consulting and support for work-related issues. People with disabilities and their employers can get financial support.

F.H. Papenmeier GmbH & Co. KG

Logo Papenmeier

An important focus of F.H. Papenmeier GmbH & Co. KG are software-based assistive technologies for blind and visually impaired users. For more than 38 years Papenmeier RehaTechnik has been developing products both for the work place and for private use, to unlock the world of information for blind and low vision people.

Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, CT T DE ACC

Logo Siemens

The Accessibility Competence Center of Siemens AG has the task to continuously improve the accessibility of the various products and services of Siemens, such as software, internet portals, workplaces, information and communication technology, domestic devices and rail transport equipment. The Accessibility Competence Center is also involved in standardisation processes whicvh bear on accessibility, and is active both in international as well as european standards bodies.

Stiftung Warentest

Logo Stiftung Warentest

Die Stiftung Warentest wurde 1964 auf Beschluss des Deutschen Bundestages gegründet, um dem Verbraucher durch die vergleichenden Tests von Waren und Dienstleistungen eine unabhängige und objektive Unterstützung zu bieten. Die Stiftung Warentest stellt dem Projekt Geräte wie Smartphones und Tablets zum Testen zur Verfügung.

Technical University Dresden, Institute for Applied Computer Science

Logo Technical University Dresden

Flexible automated systems and their interaction with humans and the environment are at the centre of work at Technical University Dresden, Institute for Applied Computer Science (Institut für Angewandte Informatik der Technischen Universität Dresden). Topics are the architecture as well as models and methods for the design, testing, operaton and diagnosis of heterogenous distributed and networked real time and automation systems.