Our approach for testing
Our approach when testing the accessibility of mobile devices, operating systems and apps follows three principles:
- We summarise important information in guidelines and keep these up-to-date (currently, guidelines exist only in German). New mobile devices enter the market all the time. Operating systems and apps as well as system-specific assisitve technologies and accessibility settings undergo frequent updates. The particular result of our tests are therefore also quickly out-of-date. That is why we summarise main recommendations (in German) in our product groups (Produktgruppen) and guidelines (Leitfäden) and update these frequently.
- Where possible, we carry out expert tests. Low vision and blind people differ a lot in terms of specific requirements and modes of use. However, there are specific general criteria suitable for testing, such as contrast, text size and text scalablility, the functionality of zoom magnification, or the correct naming of interactive elements. Where possible, we base out tests of devices, operating systems and apps on common established criteria like those of WCAG 2.0. An overall rating of products across criteria is often not practical, however, since particular criteria may or may not be decisive for blind and visually impared people.
- In addition, we carry out tests with users. Comparing products according to specific technical criteria does not provide an insight as to whether blind and low vision users can actually use products in practice. That's why we conduct user tests, often with a limited number of subjects. While results are usually not statistically significant, they indicate usability issues that only surface in practice. They also often show the criticality of barriers to access - especially if a particular issue was a stumbling block for several subjects. Issues identified allow us to develop recommendations for designers and developers of devices and apps to help improve accessibility in the long term.
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